sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2008

Louie Armstrong canta "Super Mario World"

I see Mario Luigi too He's player one, He's player two And I think to myself Super Mario World I see towers so tall They make me afraid But those scary castles Aren't very well made And I think to myself Super Mario World The shells of flying turtles So pretty in the sky They're also kinda deadly Don't touch 'em or you'll die I hear Yoshi makin' noise like a chronic smoker's cough He's really sayin' "Please get off" When you win the game There's a Yoshi parade Mario and Luigi They's just tryin' to get laid And I think to myself Super Mario World Ooh, I think to myself Super Mario World Oooh... game over.

4 comentários:

Fábio Ramires disse...

Muito bom.

Derepente o Mracel apareceu por aquiiiiii!!!!

Lembra mané??

Marcel Augusto disse...

Cara, toda vez que ouço esse som lembro do seu pai cantando....rsrsrs

Stefano disse...

Hahahahah esse foi legalll ...

Kamy disse...

Perfeitooo hauahuahaua